Tutorials Call for Proposals


Tutorials Chair: Vicente Ordonez (vicente@virginia.edu)
Proposal Deadline: Friday, March 5, 2021 AoE.
Notification: Monday, April 12, 2021

Contact: tutorials-iccv-2021@googlegroups.com


We solicit proposals for tutorials (short courses) to be held at the 2021 IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV 2021). Tutorials will take place on Monday October 11, 2021, and Saturday October 16, 2021 at the same venue as the main conference. Please note, due to COVID-19, it is possible that the conference will be held virtually. Tutorial proposers should be prepared to present the tutorial remotely.

An ICCV tutorial should aim to give a comprehensive review of a specific topic related to computer vision. The topic should be of sufficient relevance and importance to attract significant interest from the computer vision community. Typical tutorial audiences consist of graduate students studying computer vision, but also include researchers and practitioners from both academia and industry. We invite proposals for both half-day and full-day tutorials, but anticipate that most tutorials will be allotted half a day, unless the topic is expected to attract widespread community attention or requires additional time.

Submission information

A tutorial proposal should be in a PDF document with no more than 4 pages. Send the proposal document through CMT (https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/ICCVT2021). All proposals should provide the following information in the document:

  • Tutorial title;
  • Organizers’ names, titles, affiliations, emails, and brief bio sketches;
  • Preference for half- or full-day event (the latter requires a brief justification);
  • Course description with list of topics to be covered, along with a brief outline/schedule
  • Particular details that might be unique to the proposal tutorial;
  • Expected target audience, in terms of both composition and estimated number of attendees.
  • How the proposed tutorial addresses the evaluation criteria (see below).
  • Description of and/or links to any planned materials or resources to be distributed to attendees;
  • A description of how this proposal relates to tutorials at previous conferences.
  • Social impact of the proposed tutorial. We also encourage tutorials focusing on issues related to social impact of computer vision.
  • Whether organizers are willing to conduct the tutorial virtually if the conference is not to be held physically;

Proposals should be submitted by Friday, March 5th, 2021 AoE (Anywhere on Earth).

Evaluation criteria

  1. Educational value, interest and relevance.

    We encourage topics that have high educational value, are of broad interest to the community and can inspire further research activities. A good tutorial should include work beyond the organizers’ own work that is relevant to the topic of the tutorial.

    The topics should not have been covered extensively in recent major computer vision conferences, unless there are strong reasons to continue educating the community on the topics (e.g., useful theory or method that is evolving/improving rapidly, or useful tool that is being adopted for a variety of purposes). For information on previous tutorial topics, consult tutorials from recent years:

    CVPR 2020: http://cvpr2020.thecvf.com/program/tutorials
    ECCV 2020: https://eccv2020.eu/tutorials/
    ICCV 2019: https://iccv2019.thecvf.com/program/tutorials
    CVPR 2019: http://cvpr2019.thecvf.com/program/tutorials
    CVPR 2018: http://cvpr2018.thecvf.com/program/tutorials
    ECCV 2018: https://eccv2018.org/program/workshops_tutorials
    ICCV 2017: https://iccv2017.thecvf.com/program/tutorials

    We would like to see tutorials on interesting and heterogeneous topics at ICCV, and thus may require high-quality proposals with overlapping topics to merge. Please state your willingness to explore combining your tutorial with other tutorials, if recommended by the Tutorial Chairs. Organizers from proposals who are asked to merge should work together to decide the final schedule. 

    We welcome proposals on emerging technical areas, societal and ethical implications of computer vision, and also topics that may not be seen as "traditional" in the ICCV community.
  2. Social impact of the subject addressed by the tutorial and ethical considerations. Tutorial organizers are encouraged to address these in their proposal document.
  3. Track record and expertise of organizers/speakers. The presenters/speakers should have representative publications on the proposed topics, and ideally some experience delivering similar educational experiences.
  4. Diversity and inclusion in the organizing team, speakers, and authors of work highlighted by the tutorial. Proposals should specify how diversity and inclusion are being addressed. The ICCV Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) and Tutorial Chairs are available to help, if needed, on this evaluation criterion.


Please contact the tutorial chairs via tutorials-iccv-2021@googlegroups.com